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Identity Yourself

Be Different. Be Individual. Be Yourself


The Blue Print Foundation brand and design experts take the time to fully understand your goals and expertise. This enables us to portray your image perfectly – to deliver an exceptional creation of your strengths and abilities. We then continue to work with you as you grow and adapt, to incorporate your successes and those of your clients, and to build a powerful all encompassing brand image to help you to make your mark on the marketplace.


The Personal Touch

All of our clients are assigned their own personal project manager who will work with you and your team to bring about the perfect end result. By working with you and getting to know how you tick we can identify the qualities that your brand identity will convey to clients. We are so much more than a production line that churns out logos; we are the spark that ignites your clients. Put simply, the first impression you give to people will enable you to outstrip your competitors.

We deliver

The Power of Identity

The presence of your organisation is more important and complex than just a fancy logo. Brand and corporate identity are a vital tool in the recognition and reflection of your genius. Not just for clients, but for your staff, the media and for you. It makes you easily identifiable, sets you apart from the crowd and becomes both your image and your reputation. At The Blue Print Foundation we do not take the responsibility of creating all this lightly! We will help you to deliver the impact you deserve, in a way that works.

More than an Agency


It works both ways – a picture paints a thousands words but a thousand words paint a picture. At The Blue Print Foundation we can do both for you. Each of our creative design experts works in partnership with a professional copywriter to ensure that the words and pictures of your brand compliment each other to perfection. Once we know what it is you want your clients to see and read about you, we will provide it.

Design & Print
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0300 373 0048  |  |

The Blueprint Foundation, Rivers Lodge, West Common, Harpenden, AL5 2JD.


© 2018 The Blue Print Foundation

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